Payment System

SSL Commerce:
Payment via Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express, BRAC Bank, DBBL Nexus, Citi Bank, Bank Asia, Islami Bank, AB Bank, Q Cash, Fast Cash, MTB, bKash, Rocket, M Cash, My Cash via SSL Commerce online You can pay.

BRAC Bank Limited :
Name : Popular IT
Branch Name : Brac Bank Ltd, Mirpur1, Dhaka
A/C : 1538203506937001

Islami Bank Limited:

Name : Md. Helal Uddin
Branch Name : IslamiBank Ltd, Habiganj
A/C : 20501980202209808

Bkash (Merchant Number)
A/C Number  : 01320 76 00 88

(1) *247# Dial
(2) 3 Press Payment
(3) Enter the Payment Number 01320 76 00 88
(4) Enter the amount of money (you have to pay 15 Taka per thousand)
(5) Reference number : 1234
(6) Then enter your PIN number

Online Bkash Payment

Bkash (Personal Number)
A/C : 01732667364

(1) *247# Dial
(2) 1 Press Sent Money
(3) Enter the Personal Number 01732667364
(4) Enter the amount of money
(5) Reference number : 1234
(6) Then enter your PIN number

Rocket (Personal Number)

A/C  :  017326673640

(1) *322# Dial
(2) 2 Press Sent Money
(3) Enter the Personal Number 017326673640
(4) Enter the amount of money
(5) Then enter your PIN number

Nogod (Personal Number)

A/C : 01732667364

(1) *167# Dial
(2) 2 Press Sent Money
(3) Enter the Personal Number 01732667364
(4) Enter the amount of money
(5) Then enter your PIN number

24/7 Ticket / E-mail Support
[email protected]
Live chat
+088 01972-667364 (8AM-11PM)
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